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/ The Utilities Experience / The Utilities Experience - Volume 1.iso / software / demos / r-z / sbase4pro / ideas

Jump To: Image (1)  |  Document (2)  |  Text (13)  |  Other (7)

Images (1)

Document (2)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
dclients.dbf PC-File 6KB 1995-07-10
dcountry.dbf dBase/FoxBase/XBase Database File 1 2KB 1995-07-10

Text (13)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
accounts.csv Comma Seperated Value File 7 645b 1995-07-10
arexxshell.sbd Text File 6 266b 1995-07-10
arexxshell.sbt Text File 20 840b 1995-07-10
clitel.sbq Text File 11 225b 1995-07-10
dclients.dbd Text File 19 1KB 1995-07-10
graphthis1.sbd Text File 3 65b 1995-07-10
ideas92.sbp Text File 51 1KB 1995-07-10
ideas93.sbp Text File 77 1KB 1995-07-10
ledcli.sbt Text File 28 569b 1995-07-10
sb_to_sp.sbp Text File 74 2KB 1995-07-10
sb_to_sp.sbt Text File 21 869b 1995-07-10
sbpro_to_splan.sbp Text File 82 2KB 1995-07-10
wplet.sbp Text File 97 2KB 1995-07-10

Other Files (7)
arexxshell.sbv Superbase Form 1KB 1995-07-10
arexxshell.1 Unknown 1KB 1995-07-10
arexxshell.2 Unknown 1KB 1995-07-10
arexxshell.4 Unknown 1KB 1995-07-10
arexxshell.sbf Unknown 64b 1995-07-10
graphthis1.1 Unknown 1KB 1995-07-10
graphthis1.sbf Unknown 512b 1995-07-10